My name is Dirk Vandecasteele, 56 years young, living near Hasselt in Belgium and with my wife Kathleen Vos with whom I share a passionate love for the Rottweiler, I am a proud parent of Sasha and Luna. Professionally I am a lawyer, specialized in commercial law and then especially construction law and real estate.
Almost all my spare time is reserved for the Rottweiler. Indeed, for my family, the Rottweiler is more than just a dog, he became a “way of life”. We own Rottweilers since 1993. Breeding is a cup of which we sipped but that we passed on. After years of having very successfully shown all Rottweilers we owned (including obtaining several national titles and even twice the title of FCI-World Winner) and of intensely training our dogs (including my participation as a member of the Belgian team that won the 3th place of the IFR-World Championship 1997 in Chicago), canalizing this passion towards other levels came almost natural.
In 2001 I was appointed both as conformation-judge for the Rottweiler and as IPO-judge. This has given me the opportunity to meet and judge the Rottweiler all over the world, literally on every continent, both in shows, breed-suitability tests and IPO-trials, including judging the IFR-World Show in Mexico, Argentina and Cezch Republik and twice the protection part of the IFR-World Championship IPO (Spain and Denmark). I have always truly appreciated and enjoyed the interaction with other Rottweiler-amateurs during these events and especially during the seminars ( I prefer the term "chats" ) that I was invited to give.
Further, since 2003 I am the President of the Belgian Rottweiler Club and since 2006 until 2015 I was the Vice-president of the IFR (International Federation of Rottweilerfriends), in which capacity I have had the honor of chairing several times the IFR-congress and even the annual IFR-judges and breed-warden seminars. In 2016 and 2017 I have been elected as President of the IFR.
It is not a secret that I am very concerned about recent evolutions in our beloved breed, in my opinion leading away from his original physical characteristics but also away from his specific nature and personality. I cannot tell what the future will bring, but I sincerely hope – and will do what I can to help achieve this – that it will be a future in which the Rottweiler will indeed prove to deserve and keep his place in our human society but never without losing the characteristics of the utility dog that in so important measure define him !